Bethersden and Biddenden Playschool
Newsletter July 2018
Dear Parent,
The school year is coming to a close and for some this will be your last newsletter. I would like to remind you all last day of term is Monday 23rd July and all fees should be cleared by Monday 16th July (please speak to me if this is not possible). For all of the parents with children that are leaving us to start primary school I would like to invite you to a small leavers presentation.
Bethersden Leavers Presentation is Wednesday 18th July 2.40pm at the mobile unit and Biddenden Leavers Presentation is Tuesday 17th July 2.30pm at the unit.
For those of you returning in September the term dates for 2018/2019 are:-
Term 1 :- 05/09/18 to 19/10/18 Term 2 :-29/10/18 to 18/12/18
Term 3 :- 07/01/19 to 15/02/18 Term 4 :- 25/02/19 to 05/04/19
Term 5 :- 23/04/19 to 24/05/19 Term 6 :- 03/06/19 to 22/07/19
We will be open on school inset days to enable us to provide enough funded days.
Please think about which sessions you would like for September and let us know if you would like to change or increase sessions by completing a session change form, please ask Jayne or myself for one of these. We need a valid 30-hour funding code before the start of next term if you are intending to use this funding option.
Have you liked our Facebook Page? In doing so you will notified of all new posts on our website automatically. All newsletters will now be available on the website, so don’t worry if you lose these term dates! As from September all newsletters will be e mailed to you unless you have asked for a hard copy.
On a sad note I would like to let you all know that Sarah Fletcher who has worked for Bethersden Playschool for many years is leaving us and moving on to a new job, she will be missed.
Any questions, queries or comments regarding anything linked to playschool do not hesitate to contact me via phone, e mail or face to face. Would love hear any ideas you have to improve things.
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