Tom Swain of Sport Route Coaching delivers a Rackettots session every Wednesday at Playschool. All children, of any ability, have the opportunity to take part in learning skills to use a racket whilst having lots of fun!!! Tom is a qualified PE teacher , who has taken his passion for racket sports and created a program especially for pre-schoolers. Many playschool children have gone on to continue racket sports once starting school , some also chose to access private Rackettots sessions that are available for parents to book with Sports Route Coaching at the local Squash Club. See Sport Route Coaching on Instagram and Facebook.

The Benefits of Racket Sports :-

  • Develops Co- ordination and Motor Skills 
  • Muscle Development
  • Developing their Eye – your child will develop better visual acuity.
  • Psychological and Social Boost – racket sports are played in groups and always face to face , good for self esteem.

Health Benefits from taking part in Sport:-

  • Strengthens children’s bones, muscles, hearts and lungs
  • Improves co-ordination, balance, posture and flexibility.
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight.
  • Boosts the immune system
  • reduces risk of children developing high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety and depression.

Skills children develop:-

  • throwing balls and shuttle cocks at targets and into goals
  • balancing balls and shuttlecocks on rackets, starting with light weight rackets.
  • using a badminton racket to hit a shuttlecock in a sweeping motion and over arm action, initially anywhere! then over a net . Moving on to a child size tennis racket.
  • learning to stop/splat a ball with a racket and then push then ball into a goal or to a partner.
  • learning to drop a ball and then hit into a goal. 
  • learning to work as a team.